Brain Activation

Increases the production of melatonin, dopamine and serotonin through a powerful blend of medicinal herbs. It's completely natural and plant-based. I noticed an improvement in my mood and ability to stay on task the first day I added this to my routine. It's helped me with emotional regulation and impulse control big time. It has some real strong ingredients but they work synergistically through small doses so as to not interfere with other medicine.

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I drink this all natural energy drink every morning right when I get up. It's replaced my morning coffee which I never imagined doing. I have more energy and my mood is 1000% times better. My workouts are more productive and I don't have the afternoon energy slump. It's chalked full of brain goodness like magnesium, b-vitamins, tyrosine, and 22+ other vitamins and nutrients. It has reduces my cravings for sugar and alcohol BIG TIME.

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Collagen II

My brain and body needs daily exercise big time but I've struggled with debilitating foot pain for years. I literally have tried EVERYTHING and this is the only supplement that's really made a huge difference. This is extremely high quality and the only collagen to actually enter the cells as collagen 100%. There are no additives, caking agents or junk. The improvement in my skin and nails has been icing on the cake.

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Total Body Detox

Gentle, daily detox of the entire system. It helps your body naturally flush out the toxins that you ingest from daily life to lower your toxic load. In other words, you'll poop a lot better and have a healthier gut. There is a strong connection between the gut and brain and this works synergistically with brain activation.

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End Human Trafficking

One thing I love about MIG Living is their commitment to do good in the world. A portion of the proceeds of all purchases go to fight human trafficking around the world.

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