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Are You Ready to End the Daily Overwhelm + Exhaustion?


What if you had enough energy on a daily basis to care for your home and meet the big needs of your family?

Imagine confidently climbing in to bed each night feeling on top of the boring home management tasks and proud of how you are showing up in motherhood.

Yes Please!

Managing a home seems so easy for others, but for some of us, it's so much more complicated.

And yet, it feels so dumb that it's so hard.

It's definitely not for lack of trying because you've tried every system out there.

You've listened to the podcasts and read the blogs and bought the fancy planners but nothing sticks for more than a few days.

And even worse, this lack of confidence carries over to other areas of your life.

You have so many big ideas but can't take action because you are drowning in the boring  things like folding laundry and figuring out what the heck you are going to feed your kids for dinner that they'll actually eat.

The struggle is REAL.

Your brain hates the daily boring tasks of managing a home and family like laundry, cleaning, meal planning, and (insert annoying chore that you dread!).

And when these daily mundane tasks require so much of you, the result is ongoing overwhelm and exhaustion.

Imagine with Me

What if you actually felt on top of the daily mundane tasks of managing your home?

Imagine with me...

You feel on top of the dishes.

You have a meal rotation that your family actually likes and family dinners have become something you actually enjoy.

Grocery shopping isn't stressful because you've figured out an ongoing system that you can maintain.

Your home isn't perfect but it is clean enough and feels tidy on a consistent basis.

You are able to relax and don't feel the need to be picking things up 24/7.

You aren't embarrassed to have that new mom friend over for a playdate.

You are learning to rest and to make time for things that energize you without feeling guilty about it.

The pace of your life is calmer and you have learned to say no without agonizing over disappointing someone.

You are consistently connecting with your kids and finding ways to be present with them in a meaningful way.

You are more regulated and have the capacity to help your kids navigate their big emotions.

When life happens and the kids get sick, it doesn't derail you or send you in a shame spiral because you have a clear plan to get back to normal.

Sounds pretty great, huh?

Holy moly, I need this!

Does this sound like you?

  • You spend a lot of time creating new systems for managing your home and feel like you've tried everything.

  • Your energy level is inconsistent which makes it hard to stick to anything for long and leaves you constantly playing catch up.

  • The mess and clutter are overwhelming and overstimulating leaving you tapped out and short tempered.

  • You know what you SHOULD do but struggle actually doing it or sticking to any kind of system for more than a few days.
  • You are trying so hard to create a beautiful home and family culture but feel like you are doing this whole mom thing wrong. 

Member Love

Amy's Master the Mundane program has been a lifesaver. I can't give enough praise for her program!

–Sarah B.

You Aren't the Problem!

Neurotypical Strategies Don't Work for ADHD Brains

ADHD impacts your ability to plan, prioritize, and organize when the tasks are uninteresting.

Um, hello all of those boring home management things that you dread!

They aren't hard because you are a bad a mom, they are hard because your brain finds boring things uniquely painful.

You are capable of doing SOME boring tasks but you have to be strategic about your expectations and create systems to minimize the ongoing mental load.

Cookie cutter strategies don't take in to consideration these executive function challenges and leave you feeling like a failure.

You need personalized strategies that are realistic and account for the needs of your brain and your unique family.

Because, let's be honest, your kids have big needs that the insta-perfect-moms just don't understand that also need to be taken in to consideration.

You need routines that are flexible enough for you to stick to for the long haul so that your daily life requires less mental energy.

You need systems that plan for inevitable low energy days when your brain is struggling to do the bare minimum.

You need visuals because your working memory needs help remembering all of the small details of life.

You need checklists that give you a little dopamine rush and help you remember all of the small things that you do each day.

You need permission to do the things that energize and stimulant you and to design a life that gives your interest driven brain what it needs to thrive.

You need to master your ongoing energy needs so that your low energy days don't completely derail you.

You need automation to lighten the ongoing mental load of motherhood.

You need a safe space to share your struggles and get encouragement from others that get your daily life.

You need accountability from people who get first hand just how painful it can be to do something as "easy" as make a phone call.

And most of all, you need to learn to give yourself GRACE and focus on incremental progress over time because beating yourself up is definitely not working!

My friend, you need Master the Mundane.


Master the Mundane is about so much more than cleaning and clutter.

  • Learn to manage your ADHD on an ongoing basis to minimize your low energy days.
  • Create realistic routines for managing your home so that it feels clean and tidy on a consistent basis to lower your ongoing anxiety.
  • Incorporate rest and stimulation in to your life without mom guilt.
  • Get ongoing support and accountability to follow through on the boring things that you tend to ignore.
  • Develop self trust and confidence so that you can live out of your unique strengths.
  • Discover the power of community that comes from knowing you aren't alone in your struggles.
Member Love

 "I'm loving this community. It's helping me step back and analyze what works well for me, understand my brain and communicate to my spouse."

–Jessica V.


Here's what's waiting for you inside...


Understand Your Brain 

  • You'll get a clear grasp on how ADHD is impacting your daily life AND work arounds to combat that.
  • You'll learn how to manage your energy to minimize the low energy days.
  • You'll learn to implement ongoing self care habits that help your ADHD brain function.
  • You'll clarify your ongoing expectations of yourself and create a realistic daily routine that you can actually maintain.

Design Your Days

  • You'll learn how to implement time blocking in a way that actually works for ADHD brains.
  • You'll make some big decisions about your time and energy and gain amazing insight in to your ongoing capacity to reduce ongoing stress and chaos.
  • You'll create a realistic daily rhythm that provides the stimulation your brain needs to thrive and eliminates the overwhelm of ongoing decision making.
  • You'll create flexible weekly and monthly routines so you can stay on top of the important things and let go of the rest.
Phase 3

Automate Your Life

  • Once you have a handle on your days, you'll focus on creating automation around the major areas of your life that deplete your energy on a daily basis.
  • You'll start with things like meal planning, shopping and money to bring ease to your weekly life.
  • You'll then have tools to create automation in other areas of your life so that you create capacity to pursue your big ideas and ongoing interests.
Phase 4

Support Your Neurodivergent Kids

  • All the things you've learned for managing your brain now come in to play for your kids.
  • You'll create tools and systems to guide your children in managing their time and emotions.
  • You'll have guidance and support in creating things like screen time contracts and habit boards to help you kids thrive.
Phase 5

Maintenance Mode

  • You'll have weekly accountability through body doubling sessions to chip away at the boring things.
  • You'll continue to have ongoing accountability and encouragement from our supportive community.
  • You'll have monthly opportunities to learn and grow in how you manage your ADHD and your family through master classes.
  • You'll have quarterly support through seasonal planning sessions as organization and time management is not a one and done thing.

Hear from our Community...

"My home is starting to feel manageable and I’m so grateful that I have the courses to go through at my own pace and for the mentor calls to verbally process struggles, questions, and successes. I could go on and on, but if you have been feeling overwhelmed and it’s showing up in almost every of your life, don’t hesitate to take this course! It’s affordable, beneficial and so practical!"

Alicia S., Work from Home Mom of 2

"I felt like I've gotten so much done, including getting my meds figured out and changing the tone to a more positive one in our home. Just feeling hopeful for the first time in a long time!"

Julie L., Full Time Working Mom of 3

Support + Bonuses

Available to You Inside Master the Mundane...

E-Book + Canva Templates

Tools to Customize to Your Exact Needs

You'll get the Master the Mundane e-book and links to the 20+ Canva Templates that I've created for my home + family. 

Private Online Community

Immediate access to the community page in our private app away from social media.

24/7 access to our private community app where you can ask questions, get ideas and vent with a likeminded community.

Weekly Support Call

Ongoing coaching + connection with moms who get your daily struggles and can share insight to help.

I personally host a live community call every Wednesday at 12 pm ET. You can join live to ask questions and get encouragement or listen to the replay. You can participate as much or as little as you want. They are very casual and deeply encouraging! And of course there are notifications to help you remember to join.

Gamified Challenges

Designed especially for ADHD moms.

The course content has been laid out in a unique gamified way. You earn points for each step you take in your journey and there is a monthly winner for the person who earns the most points. You can also earn points for ongoing self care and for encouraging and supporting others! 

Weekly Body Doubling Sessions

Accountability to do the things that you most dread.

Body doubling is an important tool for ADHD brains. It helps us stay on task and focus. Amy hosts a weekly body doubling session on Mondays for two hours where together we tackle the boring computer tasks that we most dread. You can also use this time to implement the course if you need to. Additional body doubling times can also be arranged inside our community page.

Monthly Master Class

Opportunities to Go Deeper

Each month there will be an new live training led by me or an expert special guest to provide deeper support around the concepts of Master the Mundane. 

Monthly Book Club

Opt in to Ongoing Personal Growth 

Each month I will pick a non-fiction book related to ADHD, parenting, or personal development. You can read or listen along and join a live monthly book chat to process what you are learning.

Seasonal Planning Sessions

Ongoing Support Throughout the Year

You'll get support in each season of the year as you walk out how to principles of Master the Mundane.

Best Value

One-time Payment (Save 20%)


You will get lifetime access to the course, community, coaching and all future trainings. 

Payment Plan

6 Payments of


You will get lifetime access to the course, community, coaching and all future trainings. 

Refund Policy

ADHD Friendly Payment Structure

Master the Mundane is created to provide meaningful help and support to moms with ADHD. You have 30 days to request a full refund if the program isn't for you.


What Members Have to Say:

Video Testimonials from Members of Master the Mundane


Hi, I'm Amy.

Master the Mundane is the blueprint that I used to transform my life as a mom of 3 with ADHD.

A few years ago, I was in a very different place.

The mental load of caring for my home and three kids was more than I could handle and I was overwhelmed and overstimulated on a daily basis.

Getting through dinner and bedtime felt nearly impossible.

I didn't have the energy to stay on top of the daily things and I just wanted to hide in my room to avoid the clutter, chaos and the tantrums.

My house felt chaotic and I was volatile, cranky, and had so much shame about what life looked inside the four walls of my home.

It wasn't one big time but more like 1,000 little easy things plus the noise of raising three loud, busy kids.

I couldn't figure out how to get the self care that I badly needed while drowning under my current boring responsibilities.

I needed a new way to do life because everything that I'd tried really, really wasn't working.

I read everything about ADHD that I could get my hands on and then applied those principals systematically to how I structure my days and manage my home life.

My life now looks completely different.

I feel on top of the basic home management tasks but even more importantly, I've designed a life where the pieces fit and I'm able to get the self care and stimulation that I need on a regular basis.

I've learned how to regulate my emotions so that I can help my kids regulate theirs and am modeling for them what it looks like to thrive with ADHD.

The systems that I've implemented are very counterintuitive to many but have been life changing for me and the women inside the Master the Mundane community. 

There is hope for you, my friend!

Master the Mundane will work for you if:

  • You've tried every strategy out there but can't make yourself follow through with any of them.
  • You struggle prioritizing what needs to be done which leads to overwhelm and procrastination.
  • Your energy levels frequently change which makes it hard to stick to a consistent routine.
  • Your ability to manage your home and family is impacting your self esteem.
  • You want a realistic strategy for managing your home that you can maintain for the long haul.
Join Now!

Frequently Asked Questions


Do you want me to show you how to...

  • Manage your home and family life in a way that works for your ADHD brain.
  • Design a lifestyle where you get the ongoing self care and stimulation your brain needs to thrive.
  • Embrace your authentic self through the ongoing coaching, support, and accountability of a likeminded community.